Feeling Right

We all misunderstand things of one sort or another. We all come to wrong conclusions and change our minds sometime later in life (hours, days, years). So… How does it feel to be wrong? Sad? Embarrassing? Angry? Answers like this are mostly answers to a different question. And that question would be: What does it… Read More »

Write By Hand

What’s better? Writing things down with pen and paper, or typing them on a keyboard? Sometimes writing is done as a simple utilitarian task. For example, just a quick note to someone (or to ourselves). Maybe we just want to convey some information or remind someone of a task, e.g., pick up some milk on… Read More »

One Simple Step To Having a Better Day

Have you ever woke up and started your day with some kind of frustration, and then everything seemed to go downhill from there? Then by late in the day, the only thing you want is for it to be over? Have you noticed a pattern where how your day starts tends to be related to… Read More »

Forever Never

One thing that hinders some people is forever thinking about doing something, but never actually doing it. It’s the paralysis of analysis – a churning that goes on in the mind. Thoughts like: How to proceed? What should be done first? What if it doesn’t work out? etc., etc… A myriad of details that you… Read More »

What Do You Want?

What do you want? Is it more money? A better job? A new car? A bigger house? A vacation? More skills or expertise in your career field? Play a musical instrument? Speak a new language? Play golf? Run a marathon? Or maybe it’s about relationships? Do you want to meet new friends? Find that special… Read More »